Zero CO2 emission
Las cuevas del Drach consideradas la octava maravilla del mundo, Sus estalactitas, estalagmitas e impresionantes galerías son un espectáculo para la vista. En el lago Martel, uno de los mayores lagos subterráneos del mundo podrá disfrutar de un concierto de música clásica y un impresionante sistema de iluminación que le cautivarán hasta el final.
Nuestro recorrido incluye una interesante visita a la fábrica de las mundialmente famosas perlas Majorica en las profundidades
Join the LeMón Commitment
► Photography is permitted in the Caves of Drach, but the use of flash is prohibited.
► During the visit a total of 320 steps will be climbed and descended. Not suitable for wheelchair users or those with walking difficulties.
► It is not permitted to take a pram into the caves.
► Temperatures in the Caves of Drach vary between 18 and 20 degrees all year round.
We provide you the best experience
Please see our cancellation policy at the bottom of the page.
Carbon offsetting is a method used to balance greenhouse gas emissions by investing in projects that reduce or eliminate equivalent emissions elsewhere.
At Lemon Tours, we carefully calculate the carbon footprint of each of our tours, considering factors such as transportation and activity consumption. We then invest in a variety of United Nations certified carbon offset projects, such as renewable energy, reforestation and others, to offset these emissions.